Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012





Result of the 2009 Manufacturing survey are presented in 4 volumes:

Volume I: consists of aggregate data on the number of establishments, capital status, the number of persons engaged, labor cost, electricity, energy, intermediate  inputs, output value, value added, and value of transactions in fixed capital.

Volume II : consists of volume and value of raw materials used.

Volume III : consists of volume and value of goods produced.

Manufacturing Indicator :  consists of tables on the number of establishments, employees, employment costs, input value, output value, value added, etc from 2005 to 2009.

Establishments covered in this survey are Large and Medium Manufacturing Establishments, i.e. all establishments employing 20 workers or more, including establishments which started commercial production during 2009.

The classification adopted in this survey is the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 3, modified according to the local conditions in Indonesia (so called the KLASIFIKASI BAKU LAPANGAN USAHA INDONESIA or KBLI). The 2009 publication includes 343 manufacturing sub-groups starting with 15111 and ending with 37200.
The main product of an establishment determines the KBLI to which the establishments correspond. This is defined as the product with the highest output value (in rupiah) of all items manufactured by the establishment. If an establishment produces
two or more products with the same value, the main product is that which has the highest quantity.

This survey was conducted by delivering questionnaires to all large and medium manufacturing establishments recorded in the directory compiled by the CBS. Therefore, this constitutes a complete census of all such establishments.

Manufacturing is defined as an economic activity involving processing materials and transforming them mechanically, chemically, or manually into finished or semi finished products and/or converting them into other goods having higher value and closer to the final user. This activity includes establishments engaged in manufacturing  services and assembling.
Manufacturing services are defined as manufacturing activities that serve others. In conducting such activities, materials are supplied by others, while establishments engaged in the service activity only process and obtain payments for those activities as compensation. For example, a rice-milling unit processes
paddy owned by farmers, and being compensated for processing the paddy, is engaged in a manufacturing service.
A manufacturing establishment is defined as a production unit engaging in an economic activity, producing a good or a service in one location, which maintains business records covering production and cost, and has at least one person that bears responsibility for such activity.
The manufacturing sector is devided into four categories for establishments :

Number Of Workers
100 atau lebih/or more
20 – 99
5 – 19
1 - 4

This classification is based on the number of persons engaged and is not based on the use of machinery or assets owned or any other criteria.


It is not practical to expect that the response rate to such a survey can be 100%. The response rate to the 2008 survey was 72.40 percent, which is increase than the previous year (69.74 percent). In order to have a complete figure covering all large and medium manufacturing establishments, estimation for non-response was necessary.
 In general there are two types of non response : non response exist and non response new. The first includes establishments which responded in the previous year but did not respond in the current year, and the second includes establishments listed in the current year for the first time which did not respond.
       Estimation of variable for the first category of establishment non response was done by using information obtained from the growth productivity (value added per worker). Other variables were estimated using the ratio relative to output obtained from respondents in the same ISIC. Estimation of variables for the second category of non-respondents was done by using ratio from respond establishment in the same 5-digit ISIC or 3-digit ISIC.

Comparability of the 2007 data with those of previous years was affected by the completeness of the survey frame, which is referred to as the Directory of Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry Establishments or simply the “Directory”. Firstly, CBS staffs matched other agencies' lists with the previous Directory. If non-matched establishments were found, CBS staffs had to go to the field and determine whether or not those establishments should be added to the Directory. Secondly, BPS staff  had to submit brief reports on all establishments that did not fill out The Annual Survey questionnaire, and to state whether the establishment was still active or not. In general, the Directory Updating system could be shown as the  following diagram. (Picture 1)
Experience has shown that the procedure was effective. Field enumerators reported a large number of newly discovered or reopened establishments: 1,253 establishments in 2000, and only  1,496 1,003 1,033 and 1,787 in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2005 respectively. In 2005 a large number newly discovered or reopened establishments 1,645 establishment and extreme increased in 1996 became 10.188 because economic cencus so decrease to 1.374 in 2007, 1.005 in 2008 and 657 in 2009 (picture 2).

There are several industrial sub groups (5-digit ISIC) having less than 3 (three) establishments. The data for these establishments are not published. However, they are included in the higher aggregate (i.e. 3-digit, and 2-digit ISIC). These sub-groups are:
15142, 15145, 15329, 18202, 18203, 19123, 21013, 22302, 23205, 24213, 24233, 26203, 26209, 26609, 29142, 29212, 29224, 29270, 29292, 30001, 30004, 31502, 33122, 33130, 33204, 35114, 35115, 35120, 35201, 35202, 35302, 36914.

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cover 2009