Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012





Result of the 2009 Manufacturing survey are presented in 4 volumes:

Volume I: consists of aggregate data on the number of establishments, capital status, the number of persons engaged, labor cost, electricity, energy, intermediate  inputs, output value, value added, and value of transactions in fixed capital.

Volume II : consists of volume and value of raw materials used.

Volume III : consists of volume and value of goods produced.

Manufacturing Indicator :  consists of tables on the number of establishments, employees, employment costs, input value, output value, value added, etc from 2005 to 2009.

Establishments covered in this survey are Large and Medium Manufacturing Establishments, i.e. all establishments employing 20 workers or more, including establishments which started commercial production during 2009.

The classification adopted in this survey is the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 3, modified according to the local conditions in Indonesia (so called the KLASIFIKASI BAKU LAPANGAN USAHA INDONESIA or KBLI). The 2009 publication includes 343 manufacturing sub-groups starting with 15111 and ending with 37200.
The main product of an establishment determines the KBLI to which the establishments correspond. This is defined as the product with the highest output value (in rupiah) of all items manufactured by the establishment. If an establishment produces
two or more products with the same value, the main product is that which has the highest quantity.

This survey was conducted by delivering questionnaires to all large and medium manufacturing establishments recorded in the directory compiled by the CBS. Therefore, this constitutes a complete census of all such establishments.

Manufacturing is defined as an economic activity involving processing materials and transforming them mechanically, chemically, or manually into finished or semi finished products and/or converting them into other goods having higher value and closer to the final user. This activity includes establishments engaged in manufacturing  services and assembling.
Manufacturing services are defined as manufacturing activities that serve others. In conducting such activities, materials are supplied by others, while establishments engaged in the service activity only process and obtain payments for those activities as compensation. For example, a rice-milling unit processes
paddy owned by farmers, and being compensated for processing the paddy, is engaged in a manufacturing service.
A manufacturing establishment is defined as a production unit engaging in an economic activity, producing a good or a service in one location, which maintains business records covering production and cost, and has at least one person that bears responsibility for such activity.
The manufacturing sector is devided into four categories for establishments :

Number Of Workers
100 atau lebih/or more
20 – 99
5 – 19
1 - 4

This classification is based on the number of persons engaged and is not based on the use of machinery or assets owned or any other criteria.


It is not practical to expect that the response rate to such a survey can be 100%. The response rate to the 2008 survey was 72.40 percent, which is increase than the previous year (69.74 percent). In order to have a complete figure covering all large and medium manufacturing establishments, estimation for non-response was necessary.
 In general there are two types of non response : non response exist and non response new. The first includes establishments which responded in the previous year but did not respond in the current year, and the second includes establishments listed in the current year for the first time which did not respond.
       Estimation of variable for the first category of establishment non response was done by using information obtained from the growth productivity (value added per worker). Other variables were estimated using the ratio relative to output obtained from respondents in the same ISIC. Estimation of variables for the second category of non-respondents was done by using ratio from respond establishment in the same 5-digit ISIC or 3-digit ISIC.

Comparability of the 2007 data with those of previous years was affected by the completeness of the survey frame, which is referred to as the Directory of Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry Establishments or simply the “Directory”. Firstly, CBS staffs matched other agencies' lists with the previous Directory. If non-matched establishments were found, CBS staffs had to go to the field and determine whether or not those establishments should be added to the Directory. Secondly, BPS staff  had to submit brief reports on all establishments that did not fill out The Annual Survey questionnaire, and to state whether the establishment was still active or not. In general, the Directory Updating system could be shown as the  following diagram. (Picture 1)
Experience has shown that the procedure was effective. Field enumerators reported a large number of newly discovered or reopened establishments: 1,253 establishments in 2000, and only  1,496 1,003 1,033 and 1,787 in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2005 respectively. In 2005 a large number newly discovered or reopened establishments 1,645 establishment and extreme increased in 1996 became 10.188 because economic cencus so decrease to 1.374 in 2007, 1.005 in 2008 and 657 in 2009 (picture 2).

There are several industrial sub groups (5-digit ISIC) having less than 3 (three) establishments. The data for these establishments are not published. However, they are included in the higher aggregate (i.e. 3-digit, and 2-digit ISIC). These sub-groups are:
15142, 15145, 15329, 18202, 18203, 19123, 21013, 22302, 23205, 24213, 24233, 26203, 26209, 26609, 29142, 29212, 29224, 29270, 29292, 30001, 30004, 31502, 33122, 33130, 33204, 35114, 35115, 35120, 35201, 35202, 35302, 36914.

cover 2009

cover 2009

cover 2009

cover 2009








KBLI 5 Digit


1.              15111    Pemotongan hewan - Slaughtering
2.              15112    Pengolahan dan pengawetan daging    -  Processing and preserving of meat
3.              15121    Pengalengan ikan dan biota perairan lainnya  -  Canned fish and other similiar products
4.              15122    Penggaraman/pengeringan ikan dan biota perairan lainnya  -  Salted /dried fish and other similar products
5.              15123    Pengasapan ikan dan biota perairan  lainnya  -  Smoked fish and other similar products
6.              15124    Pembekuan ikan  dan  biota  perairan lainnya  -  Frozen fish and other similar products
7.              15125    Pemindangan ikan dan biota perairan lainnya  -  Processed  fish  and other similar products
8.              15129    Pengolahan  dan  pengawetan  ikan & biota perairan lainnya  -  Other manufacturing and preserving of fish and its similar products
9.              15131    Pengalengan buah-buahan & sayuran  -  Canned fruits and vegetables
10.          15132    Pengasinan/pemanisan buah-buahan & sayuran  -  Salted and sweetened fruits and vegetables
11.          15133    Pelumatan buah-buahan dan sayuran  -  Pulverized fruits and vegetables
12.          15134    Pengeringan buah-buah dan sayuran  -  Dried fruits and vegetables
13.          15139    Pengolahan dan pengawetan lainnya untuk buah-buahan dan sayuran  -  Other processing and preserving of fruits and vegetables
14.          15141    Minyak kasar (minyak makan) dari nabati dan hewani  -  Crude  vegetable and  animal cooking oil
15.          15142    Margarine  -  Margarine
16.          15143    Minyak goreng dari minyak kelapa  -  Cooking oil made of coconut oil
17.          15144    Minyak goreng dari minyak kelapa sawit  -  Cooking oil made of palm oil
18.          15145    Minyak goreng lainnya dari nabati dan hewani  -  Cooking oil made of vegetables and animal oils
19.          15149    Minyak makan dan lemak lainnya dari nabati dan hewani - Other cooking oil and fat made of vegetables and animal
20.          15211    Susu  -  Powdered, condensed and preserved milk
             15212    Makanan dari susu - Food primarily made of milk
21.          15213    Es krim  -  Ice cream
22.          15311    Penggilingan  padi dan  penyosohan beras  -  Rice  milling and husking
23.          15312    Penggilingan dan pembersihan  padi-padian lainnya  -  Other grain mill products
24.          15313    Pengupasan dan pembersihan kopi  -  Peeling and cleaning of coffee
25.          15314    Pengupasan, pembersihan dan pengeringan cokelat  -  Peeling, cleaning and drying of cacao
26.          15315    Pengupasan dan pembersihan biji-bijian selain kopi dan cokelat  -  Peeling and cleaning of seed other than coffee and cacao
27.          15316    Pengupasan & pembersihan kacangkacangan  -  Peeling and cleaning of nuts
28.          15317    Pengupasan dan pembersihan umbi-umbian (termasuk rizoma)  -  Peeling and cleaning of roots
29.          15318    Kopra  -  Kopra
30.          15321    Tepung terigu  -  Wheat flour
31.          15322    Tepung dari bahan nabati lainnya   -  All kinds of flour made of other grains and roots
32.          15323    Pati ubi kayu  -  Tapioca
33.          15324    Berbagai macam pati palma  - Sago
34.          15329     Pati lainnya - Starch not elsewhere classified
35.          15331    Ransum pakan ternak/ ikan  -  Prepared animal feeds
36.          15332    Konsentrat pakan ternak/ ikan   -  Concentrate animal feeds
37.          15410    Roti dan sejenisnya  -  Bakery products
38.          15421    Gula pasir  -  Granulated sugar
39.          15422    Gula merah  -  Brown sugar
40.          15423    Gula lainnya  -  Other kinds of sugar
41.          15424    Sirop  -  Syrup
42.          15429    Pengolahan gula lainnya selain sirop  -  Other sugar processing except syrup
43.          15431    Bubuk coklat  -  Chocolate powder
44.          15432    Makanan dari coklat & kembang gula  -  Food made of chocolate and sugar confectionery
45.          15440    Makaroni, mie, spagheti, bihun, so'un dan sejenisnya  -  Macaroni, spaghetti, noodle and the like
46.          15491    Pengolahan teh dan kopi  -  Processed of tea and coffee
47.          15492    Es  -  Ice cube
48.          15493    Kecap  -  Soya sauce
49.          15494    Tempe  -  Tempe
50.          15495    Makanan dari kedele dan kacangkacangan lainnya selain kecap dan tempe  -  Other food made of soya bean/ other nuts
51.          15496    Kerupuk dan sejenisnya  -  All kinds of chip and similar to chips (emping, ceriping, karak, etc)
52.          15497    Bumbu masak dan penyedap masakan  -  Prepared food spices and food seasoning
53.          15498    Kue-kue basah  -  Cake, pastry and similar products
54.          15499    Makanan yang belum termasuk kelompok manapun  -  Other food products
55.          15510    Minuman keras  -  Liquors
56.          15520    Anggur dan sejenisnya  -  Wines and its similar products
57.          15530    Malt  dan  minuman  yang mengandung malt  -  Malt liquors and malt
58.          15540    Minuman ringan  -  Soft drink
59.          16001    Pengeringan dan pengolahan tembakau dan bumbu rokok  -  Dried tobacco and processed tobacco
60.          16002    Rokok kretek  -  Clove cigarettes
61.          16003    Rokok putih  -  Cigarettes
62.          16004    Rokok lainnya  -  Other type of cigarettes (cerutu, kelembak menyan)
63.          16009    Hasil  lainnya dari tembakau, bumbu rokok dan klobot/ kawung  -  Other tobacco products (tobacco flavour, etc)
64.          17111    Persiapan serat tekstil  -  Preparation of textile fiber
65.          17112    Pemintalan benang  -  Spinning mills
66.          17113    Pemintalan benang jahit  -  Threads
67.          17114    Pertenunan  ( kecuali  pertenunan karung goni dan karung lainnya)  -  Weaving mills except gunny and other sacks
68.          17115    Kain tenun ikat  -  Ikat weaving
69.          17121    Penyempurnaan benang   -  Finished yarn
70.          17122    Penyempurnaan kain  -  Finished textiles
71.          17123    Pencetakan kain  -  Printed textiles
72.          17124    Batik  -  Batik
73.          17211    Barang jadi tekstil, kecuali untuk pakaian jadi   -  Madeup textile article except wearing apparels
74.          17212    Barang jadi tekstil untuk keperluan kesehatan  -  Made up textile for health purposes
75.          17213    Tekstil jadi untuk keperluan Kosmetika  -  Textile for cosmetic purposes
76.          17214    Karung goni  -  Gunny bags
77.          17215    Bagor dan karung lainnya  -  Other sacks
78.          17220    Permadani (babut)  -  Carpets and rugs
79.          17231    Tali  -  Rope, twine
80.          17232    Barang-barang dari tali  -  Goods made of rope or twine
81.          17291    Kain pita  -  Narrow fabric
82.          17292    Kain keperluan industri  -  Textile for industrial purposes
83.          17293    Bordir / sulaman  -  Embroidery
84.          17294    Non woven
85.          17295    Kain ban
86.          17299    Tekstil  yang tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain  -  Other textile n.e.c
87.          17301    Kain rajut  -  Knited textile
88.          17302    Pakaian jadi rajutan  -  Knit wear
89.          17303    Rajutan kaos kaki  -  Knited sock
90.          17304    Barang jadi rajutan  -  Other knited materials
91.          17400    Kapuk  -  Kapok
92.          18101    Pakaian jadi dari tekstil  -  Wearing apparel made of textile (garments)
93.          18102    Pakaian jadi lainnya dari tekstil  -  Other wearing apparel made  of textile
94.          18103    Pakaian jadi dari kulit  -  Wearing apparel made  of leather
95.          18104    Pakaian jadi lainnya dari kulit  -  Other wearing apparel made  of leather
96.          18201    Bulu tiruan - Fur imitation
97.          18202    Pakaian jadi/barang jadi berbulu dan atau asesoris - Furs
98.          18203    Pencelupan bulu - Fur bleaching
99.          19111    Pengawetan kulit  -  Preserved leather
100.       19112    Penyamakan kulit  -  Leather tanneries
101.       19113    Kulit buatan/imitasi - imitation leathers
102.       19121    Barang dari kulit dan kulit buatan untuk keperluan pribadi  -  Products of leather and substitutes for personal use
103.       19122    Barang dari kulit dan kulit buatan untuk keperluan teknik/industri  -  Products of leather and substitutes for technical / industrial purposes
104.       19123    Barang dari kulit dan kulit buatan untuk keperluan hewan  -  Products of leather substitutes for animal use
105.       19129    Barang dari kulit dan kulit buatan untuk keperluan lainnya  -  Leather and leather substitutes n.e.c
106.       19201    Alas kaki untuk keperluan seharihari   -  Footwear for daily use
107.       19202    Sepatu olah raga  -  Sport shoes
108.       19203    Sepatu  teknik  lapangan/keperluan industri  -  Shoes for industrial purposes
109.       19209    Alas kaki lainnya  -  Footwear n.e.c
110.       20101    Penggergajian kayu  -  Sawmills
111.       20102    Pengawetan kayu  -  Preserved wood
112.       20103    Pengawetan rotan, bambu, dan sejenisnya  -  Preserved rattan, bamboo and the like
113.       20104    Pengolahan rotan  -  Processed rattan
114.       20211    Kayu lapis  -  Plywood
115.       20212    Kayu  lapis  laminasi, termasuk decorative plywood  -  Laminated board including decorative plywood
116.       20213    Panel kayu lainnya  -  Other wood panels
117.       20214    Veneer  -  Veneer
118.       20220    Molding & komponen bahan bangunan  -  Molding and building components
119.       20230    Peti kemas dari kayu kecuali peti mati  -  Woods containers except coffin
120.       20291    Anyamanyaman dari rotan dan bambu  -  Plaits made of rattan and bamboo
121.       20292    Anyamanyaman dari tanaman selain rotan dan bambu  -  Plaits from plants except rattan and bamboo
122.       20293    Kerajinan  ukirukiran  dari kayu kecuali furnitur  -  Wood carving except furniture
123.       20294    Alat-alat dapur dari kayu, rotan dan bambu  -  Kitchen utensils made of wood, rattan and bamboo
124.       20299    Barang dari kayu, rotan, gabus yang belum tercakup sebelumnya  -  Other goods made of wood, rattan, cork and bamboo
125.       21011    Bubur kertas (pulp)  -  Pulp
126.       21012    Kertas budaya  -  Cultural papers
127.       21013    Kertas berharga  -  Precious paper
128.       21014    Kertas khusus  -  Special paper
129.       21015    Kertas industri  -  Industrial papers
130.       21016    Kertas tissue  -  Tissues paper
131.       21019    Kertas lainnya  -  Paper n.e.c
132.       21020    Kemasan dan  kotak dari kertas dan karton  -  Boxes made of paper and cardboard
133.       21090    Barang dari kertas dan Karton yang tidak termasuk dalam sub golongan manapun Paper products n.e.c
134.       22110    Penerbitan buku, brosur, buku musik dan publikasi lainnya  -  Publishing book, brochure, music book and other publication
135.       22120    Penerbitan surat kabar, jurnal, dan majalah  -  Publishing news papper, journal and magazine
136.       22130    Penerbitan dalam media rekaman  -  Publishing on recorded media
137.       22190    Penerbitan lainnya  -  Other publishing
138.       22210    Percetakan  -  Printing
139.       22220    Jasa penunjang percetakan  -  Supporting service for printing industries
140.       22301    Reproduksi rekaman  -  Reproduction of recorded media
141.       22302    Reproduksi film dan video - Reproduction of film and video
142.       23100    Barang-barang dari batu bara  -  Products of coal
143.       23201    Pemurnian & pengilangan minyak bumi - Petroleum refineries
144.       23202    Pemurnian dan pengilangan gas bumi  -  Natural gas refineries
145.       23203    Barang-barang  dari  hasil  kilang minyak bumi  -  Products of petroleum refineries
146.       23204    Pembuatan minyak pelumas  -  Lubricating oil
147.       23205    Pengolahan kembali minyak pelumas bekas - Processed lubricant oil
148.       23300    Pengolahan bahan bakar nuklir - Processing of nuclear fuel
149.       24111    Kimia dasar  anorganik  khlor  dan alkali  -  Basic inorganic chemicals chloride and alkali
150.       24112    Kimia dasar anorganik gas industri  -  Basic inorganic chemicals industrial gas
151.       24113    Kimia dasar anorganik pigment  -  Basic inorganic chemicals pigment
152.       24114    Kimia  dasar  anorganik  yang tidak diklasifikasikan di tempat lain  -  Basic inorganic chemicals n.e.c
153.       24115    Kimia  dasar organik,  yang bersumber dari hasil pertanian  -  Basic organic chemical of vegetables or animal origin
154.       24116    Kimia dasar organik, bahan baku zat warna dan pigmen, zat warna dan pigmen  -  Coloring material, coloring and pigment/and pigment
155.       24117    Kimia dasar organik yg bersumber dari minyak bumi, gas bumi & batu bara  -  Basic organic chemicals from crude oil, natural gas and coal
156.       24118    Kimia dasar organik yg menghasilkan bahan kimia khusus  -  Basic organic chemicals resulting special chemicals
157.       24119    Kimia dasar  organik  yang  tidak termasuk golongan manapun  -  Basic chemicals n.e.c
158.       24121    Pupuk alam/non sintetis  -  Manufacture natural fertilizer / non syntethic
159.       24122    Pupuk buatan tunggal  -  Straight fertilizers
160.       24123    Pupuk buatan, majemuk dan campuran  -  Mixed, compound and complex fertilizers
161.       24129    Pupuk lainnya  -  Other fertilizers
162.       24131    Damar buatan (resin sintetis)  dan bahan plastik  -  Synthetic resins
163.       24132    Karet buatan  -  Synthetic rubber
164.       24211    bahan baku pemberantas hama (bahan aktif) - Pesticides raw materials
165.       24212    Pemberantas hama (formulasi)  -  Pesticides
166.       24213    Zat pengatur tumbuh - Plantation generating chemicals
167.       24220    Cat, pernis dan lak  -  Paints, varnishes and lacquers
168.       24231    Bahan farmasi  -  Pharmaceutical preparation
169.       24232    Farmasi  -  Drugs and medicines
170.       24233    Simplisia (bahan jamu)  -  Herbal medicine preparation
171.       24234    Jamu  -  Herbal medicine
172.       24241    Sabun dan bahan pembersih keperluan rumah tangga termasuk pasta gigi  - Soap and cleaning preparations, including tooth paste
173.       24242    Kosmetik  -  Cosmetics
174.       24291    Perekat / lem  -  Adhesive
175.       24292    Bahan peledak  -  Explosives and ammunition
176.       24293    Tinta  -  Ink
177.       24294    Minyak atsiri  -  Essential oil
178.       24295    Korek api  -  Matches
179.       24299    Bahan kimia & barang kimia lainnya  -  Chemicals n.e.c
180.       24301    Serat / benang filamen buatan  -  Artificial filamen fibre
181.       24302    Serat stapel buatan  -  Artificial staple fibre
182.       25111    Ban luar dan ban dalam  -  Tire and inner tubes
183.       25112    Vulkanisir ban  -  Vulcanized tire
184.       25121    Pengasapan karet  -  Smoked rubber
185.       25122    Remilling karet  -  Remilled rubber
186.       25123    Karet remah (crumb rubber)  -  Crumb rubber
187.       25191    Barang-barang  dari  karet  untuk  keperluan rumah tangga  -  Products of rubber for household purposes
188.       25192    Barang-barang  dari  karet  untuk  keperluan industri  -  Products of rubber for industrial purposes
189.       25199    Barang-barang dari karet yang belum termasuk 25591 dan 25592  -  Products of rubber n.e.c
190.       25201    Pipa dan slang dari plastik  -  Pipes and hose made of plastics
191.       25202    Barang plastik lembaran  -  Plastic sheets
192.       25203    Media rekam dari plastik  -  Plastic records
193.       25204    Perlengkapan  dan peralatan rumah tangga (tidak termasuk furnitur)  -  Household ware (excluding furniture)
194.       25205    Kemasan dari plastik  -  Plastics bags, containers
195.       25206    Barang-barang dan peralatan teknik/dari plastik  -  Products of plastics for technical/industrial purposes
196.       25209    Barang-barang plastik lainnya  -  Plastic products n.e.c
197.       26111    Kaca lembaran  -  Sheet glass
198.       26112    Kaca pengaman  -  Safety glass
199.       26119    Kaca lainnya - Other glass
200.       26121    Perlengkapan dan peralatan rumah tangga dari gelas  -  Glass products for household purposes
201.       26122    Alat-alat laboratorium, farmasi dan kesehatan dari gelas  -  Glass products for laboratory, pharmacy and medical equipments
202.       26123    Barang gelas untuk keperluan sampul  -  Glass tubes